I grew up in a home where both of my parents were Christians. I had been going to church ever since I was born. When I was little, it was just part of life and I thought everyone went to church. My parents always talked about God, my dad taught a class at church on Sunday mornings, we thanked God before every meal, and my mom prayed with me every night before I went to bed. I was used to hearing about God, but it was never personal for me. One night when I was 8 years old after going to church on Wednesday night, I asked my mom how I knew for sure I was going to go to heaven, because I did not want to go to hell and I wanted to understand more about God like she did. She told me, like I had heard several times, that God created me and loves me, but we all do things that make God sad like lying or cheating. She said this behavior separated me from God. She said God is perfect and cannot stand for the people he created to do bad things, and because we do bad things, we deserve to go to Hell and be separated from God. He sent His son Jesus to die in our place. Because Jesus died, we could live with God in heaven forever if we ask for forgiveness. I asked God to help lead me through life. Since I talked to God and asked forgiveness, I became a Christian. I have not always been super close to God, but I know I am the closest to Him and know the most about Him when I as praying and reading the Bible.